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About Recently

A highly customizable, feature-packed Recent Posts widget!






updated: 5 months ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Hector Cabrera


Let’s face it: WordPress’ default Recent Posts widget does the job as promised but it’s not very flexible. Things like excluding certain entries from the list or displaying recent posts by category can’t be done with the stock Recent Posts widget. Therefore, let me introduce Recently.

Recently is a WordPress widget that displays your site’s most recent posts. And it doesn’t stop there:

Main Features

  • Multi-widget capable. That is, you can have several Recently widgets on your blog – each with its own settings!
  • Polylang/WPML 3.2+ support – Show the translated version of your recent posts!
  • WordPress Multisite support.
  • WordPress Popular Posts / WP-PostViews / Top 10 support: – Display the views count of your recent posts!
  • Custom Post-type support. – Want to show other stuff than just posts and pages, eg. Recent Products? You can!
  • List recent posts filtered by categories, tags, or custom taxonomies!
  • Display a thumbnail of your recent posts! (see the FAQ section for more details.)
  • Use your own layout! Recently is flexible enough to let you customize the look and feel of your recent posts list! (see customizing Recently’s HTML markup and How to style Recently for more.)
  • Localizable to your own language (See translating Recently into your language for more info).
  • WP-PostRatings support. Show your visitors how your readers are rating your posts!

PSA: do not use the classic Recently widget with the new Widgets screen!

The classic Recently widget doesn’t work very well / at all with the new Widgets screen introduced with WordPress 5.8.

This new Widgets screen expects WordPress blocks instead of regular WordPress widgets. If you’re using the Recently widget on your block-based Widgets screen please replace it with the Recently block.

Support the Project!

If you’d like to support my work and efforts to creating and maintaining more open source projects your donations and messages of support mean a lot!

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Recently is now also on GitHub!