Recently Updated Pages

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About Recently Updated Pages

Purpose of this plugin is to display the list of pages (and optionally posts) on Wordpress blog those have been recently updated.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 15 years ago
author: Ehsanul Haque


Sometimes when you update one of your pages on the WordPress blog you would want visitors to know about those. This widget will create a sidebar
box with a list of pages you’ve recently updated. It also shows the date of the update beside the page title. You can choose whether to display the update date and in what format.

You’ve an option to display the Posts in the list as well. If checked (through admin panel) the list will include the Posts along with the list of Pages.

You can use WP’s shortcode to display the last update date of the page or blog posts. Date/time format for the shortcode can be controlled through the widget settings.

V 1.0.4 only fixes the bug related to the widget area where any widget (in admin panel) below RUP’s widget will lockup and cannot be moved.