We'll create fresh WordPress site with Replace Google Fonts with Bunny Fonts installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Replace Google Fonts with Bunny Fonts in the HTML Markup of your WordPress site.
It also replaces the preconnects with the correct ones.
To disable creating a preconnect to fonts.bunny.net, add the following line to your functions.php:
add_filter('al_bunny_insert_al_bunny_preconnect', '__return_false');
To disable removing the google fonts preconnect, add the following line to your functions.php:
add_filter('al_bunny_remove_google_preconnect', '__return_false');
To disable removing the google fonts dns-prefetch, add the following line to your functions.php:
add_filter('al_bunny_remove_google_prefetch', '__return_false');