Responsive Food and Drink Menu

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About Responsive Food and Drink Menu

Quicky and easily create a responsive food or drink menu for your business, or use your existing PDF menus to display your menus in various layouts, i …






updated: 5 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Corporate Zen


Quicky and easily create a responsive food or drink menu for your business, or use your existing PDF menus to display your menus in various layouts, in any location.


Once the plugin is activated, you will see “Menus” as an option on the admin side, along with “PDF Menus”.

These two types of posts are slightly different:

Menus – This post type lets you create or re-create a menu from scratch. You can add sections such as Soups, Salads, Entrees, whatever you want. Each section can have an unlimited number of menu items with prices and descriptions. You can display this menu in various layouts as well – just change the “Default Layout” dropdown on the right.
If your menu is in PDF format, you can upload it via the “Optional PDF Menu” metabox. Uploading a PDF will create a button on the front end which will link to the PDF menu in a new tab.

PDF Menu – If your menu is already in PDF format, we can handle that as well! All you do is enter the title of the menu, upload your PDF, and choose an optional image to represent your menu. These PDF menus can also be displayed in multiple layouts.