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About Retell

Retell is a service for automatically generating audio versions of articles for newsrooms.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Retell


Retell is a service for automatically generating audio versions of articles for newsrooms.

  • Preliminary advertising audios for monetization;
  • Highest sound quality TTS;
  • More than 100 super-realistic voices in 33 languages of the world;
  • Support for Yandex turbo pages and Google AMP pages;
  • Analytics system for listening to top content in real-time;
  • Formation of podcasts and uploading to platforms: Apple Podcasts, Yandex.Music, Spotify, and others.

Reduce churn and increase engagement of visitors who do not have the ability to read content, offer your audience a more convenient way to consume content on the go, during classes with Retell.

How to connect

No complicated connection. All articles are read automatically, the text for reading is taken from your RSS feed (which is automatically generated by this plugin). The player itself will understand that the article needs to be read.

  1. Install and activate the plugin
  2. Register at
  3. Add your site

Your articles are now available in audio.

High quality text-to-speech

Before creating an audio version of your articles, Retell processes all your text through its own SSML tagging system, marking problem areas, forms the correct pronunciation and stress in words, adds human intonation with punctuation, which allows us to achieve the highest sound quality of any TTS.


Develop a new content format on podcast platforms (Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play), set up an RSS feed for platforms and promote your content to a new audience.


Place audio ads through promotions before and after audio through your personal account. This opportunity will diversify the media kit of the resource, will allow you to stand out from the background of your competitors, offering a new ad format for your advertisers. Instant access to the growing market of audio advertising worth 1 billion rubles, which is growing every year.

Flexible payment system

Pay only for the content you publish. Our system will be able to automatically calculate your monthly rate based on the average number of publications per month and their average length. Then you get the required number of characters for voice acting.


View and analyze your content listening statistics. In the Retell dashboard, you can get data for a week, a day or all the time, for all the necessary metrics: listening by device, percentage of listenings, average listening time. Identify the most popular articles and optimize your media plan for even more reach.