Revision Strike

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About Revision Strike

Periodically purge old post revisions via WP Cron.






updated: 7 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Steve Grunwell


Unless post revisions are explicitly limited, WordPress will build up a hefty sum of revisions over time. While it’s great to have revision history for some recent content, the chances that old revisions will be necessary diminish the longer a post has been published. Revision Strike is designed to automatically remove these unneeded revisions on older, published posts.

How does it work?

First, a threshold is set, with a default of 30 days. Once a day, Revision Strike will run and find any post revisions in the database attached to published posts with a post date of at least 30 (or your custom threshold) days ago, and “strike” (tear-down and remove) them from the WordPress database.


If you’d like to help build Revision Strike, please visit the plugin’s GitHub page. Contributors are welcome, and details can be found in the repo’s README file.