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About Roller

WordPress plugin for dice rolling, random lists, and conditional variables.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Scott Grant


Want to set up custom character sheets on your WordPress installation? Need a dice rolling app with standard (or non-standard) dice? This collection of shortcodes makes it easy to add random dice rolls to your page.

In addition to the dice, you can define lists in the administration panel–things like names, professions, and locations–and can choose elements at random using a single shortcode.

And you want to build conditional logic based on those results? Want to set skill variables based on the random profession chosen? Store results in variables and use conditional logic to modify state as you need it.

Shortcodes included:

Roll some dice: [roller 3d6]

Save dice rolls as variables: [roller 3d6 var=str]

Display a variable’s value: [roller_var str]

Equations: [roller 3d6 var=pow] [roller_exp pow*5 var=san]

Random list elements: [roller_choose var=gender list=gender]

Conditionals: [roller_if gender=Female][roller_choose var=first_name list=first_name_female][/roller_if]