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RSS King Pro gives you the freedom to display a RSS feed or feeds onto your pages and posts with ease. The numerous options
available provides choice in how your feed displays on your pages. You can choose how many items are returned onto the page, whether the feed paginates and whether you
display those pages via AJAX giving your users a simple way to view the feed your providing.
You have control on the information from the feed that is returned on the page and how it is displayed by using variables within a HTML layout for each item.
Variables have been setup to give you choice in what details are shown for the items.
You can use RSS King Pro in two ways, either shortcode or widget. Both have the same settings available.
If you have any suggestions or would like to see a feature in the plugin, please let me know in the support forum.
Any issues you are having, I’d also love to know, so again, please let me know using the support forum.
Check out the King Pro Plugins range
Shortcode Options
- feedaddress
Default – ‘no feed’ | This field takes the external web address(es) of the feed you want to pull. To list multiple addresses, separate with ‘|’.
- display
Default – ‘5’ | Number of items to list on output
- order
Default – ‘desc’ | List order of items. Options are ‘desc’, ‘asc’ and ‘none’
- dateformat
Default – ‘j F Y, g:i a’ | Date string format. This can take text, some characters will need to be escaped (eg ‘\P\o\s\t\e\d o\n \t\h\e jS \of F \i\n Y’). View PHP date page for more information.
- target
Default – ‘_self’ | Target of the links. Standard options are ‘_self’, ‘_blank’, ‘_parent’ and ‘_top’.
- titlelength
Default – ‘all’ | Numeric length of the output title. If no limit, ‘all’ is the value.
- descriptionlength
Default – ‘all’ | Numeric length of the output description. If no limit, ‘all’ is the value.
- contentlength
Default – ‘all’ | Numeric length of the output content. If no limit, ‘all’ is the value.
- readmorelink
Default – false | Turns on the “ream more” link when shortening the description or content fields. Options are true or false
- readmoretext
Default – ‘Read more’ | The text you would like on the “Read more” link
- renderhtml
Default – false | Enable rendering of HTML from the description/content data. Options are true or false
- format
Default – ‘< ?= htmlspecialchars('##PUBDATE####LINK####DESCRIPTION##’); ?>’ | Format of the output items. Available variable below
- class
Default – ” | Class attached to the list parent
- timezone
Default – ‘UTC’ | Set timezone for the output. View PHP timezones for more information on options
- paging
Default = true | Enable paging of the RSS. The ‘display’ option then becomes how many items per page. Options are true or false
- pagingtype
Default = ‘paging’ | Choice of the type of paging output. Options are ‘paging’, ‘numbers’ or ‘both’
- paginglocation
Default = ‘bottom’ | Choice of the location of the pagination output. Options are ‘bottom’, ‘top’ or ‘both’
- ajax
Default – false | Enable AJAX loading. Instead of previous and next links for paging, this will display a ‘view more posts’ link which will allow the following page to load in underneath the existing list, and will continue to do so until the list is complete.
- nextpagetext
Default – ‘Next Page’ | Text on the ‘next page’ link (only displays when paging is on, pagingtype is ‘paging’ or ‘both’ and ajax is off).
- prevpagetext
Default – ‘Previous Page’ | Text on the ‘previous page’ link (only displays when paging is on, pagingtype is ‘paging’ or ‘both’ and ajax is off).
- nextpageclass
Default – ‘rss_pagination_next’ | Class on the ‘next page’ link (only displays when paging is on, pagingtype is ‘paging’ or ‘both’ and ajax is off).
- prevpageclass
Default – ‘rss_pagination_prev’ | Class on the ‘previous page’ link (only displays when paging is on, pagingtype is ‘paging’ or ‘both’ and ajax is off).
- activeclass
Default – ‘rss_pagination_active’ | Class on the ‘active page’ link (only displays when paging is on, pagingtype is ‘numbers’ or ‘both’ and ajax is off).
Format Variables
p>You can control the output by defining what information is output in the format by using variables. These variables are defined by an uppercase word surrounded by hashes (2 hashes on either side). The available variables are:
Outputs the title of the FEED the items are coming from.
Outputs the date the item was posted. The date format controls the output of this.
* ##TITLE##
Outputs the TITLE of the item. There is no link to the original post on this (use ##LINK## for a title with link)
* ##LINK##
Outputs the TITLE of the item with a link to the original page.
Outputs the excerpt of the item. This can be shortened further using the ‘descriptionlength’ option.
Outputs the content of the item. This can be shortened using the ‘contentlength’ option.
Outputs a list of attached categories of the item
Outputs the first category of the item
Outputs a list of attached authors of the item
* ##AUTHOR##
Outputs the first author of the item
Outputs a list of attached contributors of the item
Outputs the first contributor of the item
Outputs any attached copyright text
Outputs an attached image, if any
* ##GUID##
Outputs the unique ID for the item in the feed
Outputs the unique key for the item in the feed