RTL Feed Fixer

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About RTL Feed Fixer

RSS Feed Fixer is changing the feed and enabling RTL support in readers that does not support RTL.






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: Ran Bar-Zik


RSS Feed Fixer is designed to allow RTL language WordPress blogs to be viewed in RSS readers that does not support RTL.
Feedly is the best example. Without RSS Feed Fixer, the RTL content in Feedly is impossible to view. With RSS Feed Fixer
you user will be able to view the content or the excerpt in RTL form.

After activating RSS Feed Fixer all the paragraph elements in the content or the excerpts will include rtl dir attribute
and will be aligned to the right.

This plugin does not have admin interface and it is very easy to use. Please pay attention that feedly and other RSS
readers sometime cache the feeds, so it is possible that the changes will be seen in the posts that are being
published after the plugin activation.

The plugin is also available at GitHub: https://github.com/barzik/rtl-feed-fixer


This plugin includes automated testing in standard WordPress develop environment.
To run the test, please make sure that the plugin will be under WordPress develop plugins branch or make sure that
export WP_DEVELOP_DIR=”/path/to/wordpress/develop/”