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By using Salt Shaker plugin, you’ll be able to harden your WordPress security. It allows you to change the salt keys either manually or automatically.
Try it out on a free dummy site:
Click here and you’ll get the chance to see it in action → https://demo.tastewp.com/salt-shaker
Why Use SALT Keys in WordPress?
When you log in to WordPress, you have the option to remain logged in long-term. To achieve this, WordPress stores your login data in cookies instead of in a PHP session. Malicious individuals can hijack your cookies through various means, leaving your website vulnerable.
To make it harder for attackers to use cookie data, you can take advantage of SALT keys. WordPress SALT keys encrypt your password, making it harder to guess. What’s more, it’s next to impossible for hackers to simply ‘unscramble’ the result in order to get at the original password.
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