Schema Factory Free

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About Schema Factory Free

Add valid JSON-LD schema code to your Wordpress site with just a few clicks!






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago


Add valid JSON-LD schema code to your WordPress site with just a few clicks!

The search engines use this code to show your exact business information when you show up in search results

Google uses structured schema data to display special search result features and enhancements

Schema Factory is a simple and quick plugin that is:

  • GDPR-compliant: Schema Factory does not collect any user data
  • Gutenberg-compliant: Schema Factory works perfectly with or without Gutenberg
  • Theme-friendly: The schema code is separate from your theme

Control Your Appearance Online

  • Lightweight, fast, and free schema markup
  • Just enter your business information and press save
  • 100% focused on search engine appearance
  • Get rich snippets without touching any code
  • Made for all types of businesses
  • Works quietly behind the scenes to improve your search appearance
  • Hassle-free schema plugin – set it and forget it!
  • Thoroughly tested and error-free
  • Compatible with other SEO plugins
  • Continously updated with new schema features
  • Top-tier support from experts

Pro Version

For advanced schema data like business hours, founding date, price range, google star ratings, and more, check out Schema Factory Pro.

Schema Factory Free Features
Schema Factory Free supports the following types of schema:

Support Development of Schema Factory

To show support, consider purchasing the pro version of this plugin

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