We'll create fresh WordPress site with Scrollr installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Scrollr is a lightweight tool that helps you to link to a page’s section and to smothly scroll to it. This way, it bypasses the browsers’ “bumping-jumping” behaviour for the in-page linking.
Currently there’s no UI settings, scrolling works with the plugin’s default settings. To make the linking to the targeting page’s section, you just have to add a “scrollr” class. The idea is to keep things lightweight and simple. If there’s many user requests in the future, we’ll consider making the UI options like scrolling speed etc.
Another available option is scrolling up to the page’s top, i.e. usually labeled as “back to top”.
For this option you can use the button block that comes with the plugin. It is available from the regular WordPress block inserter. Just search for “Scrollr” or “Push to top” from the block inserter.
Basically, Scrollr may help you to create: