Sectors – Conditional Templates & Hooks

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About Sectors – Conditional Templates & Hooks

What if you could add templates, actions, and filters depending on the context?






updated: 4 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Joachim Jensen


Sectors is a first of its kind plugin for WordPress. Create theme templates for any context on your site. Make sure select Actions or Filters are only added when certain conditions are met.


When you add a new sector to your site, you select the content it covers. This could be:

  • All posts in a select category
  • Pages by an author
  • Custom Post Types with a Custom Taxonomy
  • Any combination of above

Sectors also comes with built in support for BuddyPress, WPML, Polylang, and more.


Sectors will look in your theme folder for the following templates:

  • /sectors/<sector-name>.php
  • /sector-<sector-name>.php

If found, it will be automatically loaded for the context.


Template Tags

Check if a query is part of a given or any sector:

is_sector(string $sector):boolean

Get all sectors for current context:



Sectors extends all WordPress Actions and Filters by adding a scope. This means you can add a callback to an action and make sure it’s only executed in a given context:

add_sector_action(string $sector, string $tag, callable $function, int $priority = 10, int $accepted_args = 1 )

add_sector_filter(string $sector, string $tag, callable $function, int $priority = 10, int $accepted_args = 1 )