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Send Denial – a spam sentinel
This plugin will enable honeypot and other anti-spam techniques (in future versions) to protect your business and mailbox from automated script spammers. In “basic” honeypot mode there will be zero impact on your users. they won’t see a captcha or puzzle to solve, they can just use your websites forms. Plug and play
This plugin will be compliant with GDPR guidelines as it won’t call external apis or databases at all. In future versions there might be a local database table (in your database) where failed submissions (from bots) will be stored so you will have total control over the data.
currently supported (protected) plugins include:
planned support for the near future:
This plugin will support as many popular plugins as possible for free. There is no intent to sell “premium” anti spam protection in the future. You can help to support costly formbuilders or other paid plugins by donating a little amout to help fund the licenses for the development environment.