SEO Writing Assistant SEMrush Custom Fields

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About SEO Writing Assistant SEMrush Custom Fields

The SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant plugin read only from post title and post content elements for the real time check.






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago


The SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant plugin read only from post title and post content elements for the real time check.

This lightweight plugin allows you to use an arbitrary value for that check in addition to those values.

So, if you are using some kind of a page builders, field managers and so on, you have only to define a constant in your wp_config.php file and eventually to write a little bit of JavaScript code in order to specify which fields.

Note that the plugin don’t replace SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant but is intended to be used together.


Once the plugin is activated you can configure it by defining following constants in your wp-config.php:


Automatically enable use of additional text value for SEMrush check. The default value is false.
This is the only configuration you have to do in order to have the plugin feature working.
For example:


Allows to change the interval between automatic updates of the text used by SEMrush checks.
The default value is 5 seconds.For example:


You can alernatavely control the plugins programmatically, by using
semrush_seo_writing_assistant_post_types (optional) filter and SeoWritingAssistantSEMrushCustomFields JavaScript object (see below).


WordPress Hooks

**swa_semrush_custom_fields_settings **

Filters plugin settings values.

apply_filters( 'swa_semrush_custom_fields_settings', array $settings )


Filters post types where to enable plugin. Default to array( 'post', 'page', 'product' ).

apply_filters( 'semrush_seo_writing_assistant_post_types', array $post_types )

The filter has the same name as the one used by SEMrush SEO Writing Assistant plugin (since version 1.0.4) used for the same purpose.

JavaScript Event


This event allows you to update the text for SEMrush analysis.
The following example will update text for SEMrush check every 5 seconds, using excerpt and my_custom_fields custom field values (working both with block and classic editors):

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    var swa = new SeoWritingAssistantSEMrushCustomFields( { interval: 5 } );
    jQuery( document ).on( 'seo-writing-assistant-semrush', function( event, data ) {
        data.html += jQuery( '#excerpt' ).val() + "\n"
            + jQuery( '.editor-post-excerpt__textarea textarea').val() + "\n"
            + jQuery( '#my_custom_fields' ).val();
    } )
} );

Note that if you have previously defined constant SWA_SEMRUSH_CUSTOM_FIELDS_PLUGIN_AUTOENABLE to true,
you don’t have to create new SeoWritingAssistantSEMrushCustomFields object.

JavaScript API


The following example will update programmatically the text used by SEMrush check with an arbitrary value:

jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
    var swa = new SeoWritingAssistantSEMrushCustomFields( { interval: 0 } );
    swa.setHtml( 'foo baz bar' );
} );

Advanced Custom Fields

The plugin checks if Advanced Custom Fields is active in your WordPress instance and adds a custom setting to each field
(only for input within text, radio and checkbox type, textarea and select elements) allowing you to add his value
to SEMrush check without having to write any additional JavaScript code.


The plugin also automatically add to text used by SEMrush checks, the values of all HTML elements
with swa-scf class or data-swa-scf attribute.
This will applied only for input (within text, radio and checkbox type), textarea, and select elements.