Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce

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About Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce

Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce - Plugin for change woocommerce orders number. Create your own order number type.






updated: 7 months ago
since: 6 years ago
author: BeRocket


Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce – Plugin for change woocommerce orders number. Create your own order number type.


✅ Custom order number text
✅ Possibility to use a lot of data in order number text:
✅ ID – Custom ID, start number can setup in option
✅ ID WC – WooCommerce ID, order ID that WooCommerce provide by default
✅ Date Time – Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second from order date
✅ Input – any text that you need
✅ User Role – Name of role for user that order did
✅ Total price – order total price
✅ Product count – count of products in order
✅ Post meta – you can display any post meta from order

How It Works:

check installation

Advanced Settings (Plugin Settings):

  • Plugin settings can be found in admin area, WooCommerce -> Sequential Order Numbers for WooCommerce