Server Info

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About Server Info

This plugin will show you very useful information about your hosting server such as PHP version, Server OS, Server IP etc.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 8 years ago


This plugin will show you useful information about the hosting server you are using e.g. PHP version, MySQL version, Server OS, Server Protocol, Server IP and other useful information. You can use the information displayed by this plugin to update any settings which is crucial for your website performance and other aspects.

You will see the information about:

  • PHP Version
  • Operating System
  • Server IP
  • Server Hostname
  • MySQL Version
  • System Uptime
  • Active Theme
  • Active Plugins
  • Database Name
  • Database Username
  • Database Hostname
  • Database Charset
  • Database Collate
  • WordPress Debugging (Enabled/Disabled)
  • WordPress Memory Limit

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