Shift8 Zoom Webinar

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Takes ~10 seconds to install.

About Shift8 Zoom Webinar

This is a plugin that integrates into your Zoom account and will facilitate importing your Zoom webinars into custom content on a schedule that you de …






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Shift8 Web


This is a plugin that integrates into your Zoom account and will facilitate importing your Zoom webinars into custom content on a schedule that you define.

Instructions for setup

  1. Register or set up your zoom account
  2. Once your account is activated, go to App marketplace and click “build app”
  3. Create a JWT app and copy down the API key and API secret
  4. Install this WordPress plugin and activate
  5. Go to the plugin settings page (Shift8 > Zoom Settings) and enter the API key and API secret and then click “Save Changes”
  6. Once saved, you can click the “Check” button to ensure we can connect to the Zoom API successfully

Want to see the plugin in action?

You can view three example sites where this plugin is live :


  • Integrate with your Zoom account to pull webinars
  • Imports webinars at a schedule that you choose into custom content that is automatically generated by the plugin