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About Showtime

Allows you to easily manage and display a rotating programming schedule. Useful for any kind of schedule that repeats weekly.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 14 years ago
author: Carter Fort


The Showtime plugin allows you to easily manage and display a rotating programming schedule. It was originally built for a college radio station, but it could be used for any kind of schedule that repeats weekly.

Showtime takes the current time and displays the name of whatever show/event you’ve placed in the timeslot. If there’s no show/event, it displays a custom off-air message. You also have the option of displaying the name of the upcoming show/event.

New in 3.0

This release is a ground-up re-write, so the code is (hopefully) an awful lot better than it was before. The sorting method is better for the days of the week, and the front-end presentation is no longer a horrible, horrible jQuery hack! Everything is more efficient, better-looking, and the shortcode output doesn’t sit on top of all the content anymore. Also, there’s some snazzy new AJAX-ification stuff going on in the Schedule manager.

Current 2.1 users, don’t worry; there’s a database upgrader built-in, so you don’t have to re-enter all of your current show schedules. That being said, be sure to backup your database before running the upgrade; it will remove the _showtime database table when it’s done. I’m almost certain it won’t break.

Timezone support is improved, but please email me if you’re still having trouble.

Current Feature List

  • Easily create editable shows/events by settings start/end times.
  • Customizable “Off-Air Message”.
  • Hide or display upcoming show/event.
  • Customizable CSS in the admin panel.
  • Shut it Down: Temporarily replace your schedule with off-air message.
  • Display your schedule using template tag, widget or shortcode.
  • Link your event/show names to URLs.
  • Upload images for events/shows and display them in the Now Playing widget.
  • New shortcode to easily add the Now Playing widget to Posts and Pages.
  • Support for databased that don’t necessarily use the wp_ prefix.