Simple AD Authentication

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About Simple AD Authentication

Authenticates users through Active Directory.






updated: 14 years ago
since: 15 years ago
author: Drahkar


This plugin allows WordPress to authenticate users against an Active Directory.
Developed to be compatible with current Active Directory releases as well as allow
for Enterprise level Forest Deployments by allowing you to enter custom BaseDNs.

If you have bugs, suggestions, desires or requirements that you would like to see added
to this, please come to the plugin page and submit them there so I can keep track
of them as they are found and resolved.

This plugin is redeveloped off of Simple LDAP

How to use

You can use this plugin in a few different ways.

  1. You can create WordPress accounts which match the names of your Active Directory accounts, and create these users from within the WordPress Users panel. Only the users you create in WordPress will be able to log in.

  2. You can tick a checkbox so that anyone who can authenticate via Active Directory can log on. A WordPress account will be automatically created for the user if one does not already exist, with the default user role.

  3. You can list the names of Active Directory groups who you want to allow to log on to WordPress. For each group in Active Directory, you can specify a corresponding WordPress user role.

You can also combine the above however you like.