Simple Admin Notes

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About Simple Admin Notes

Adds a simple "Notes" section to the admin menu or posts






updated: 10 years ago
since: 13 years ago
author: Wycks


Like a built in notepad, leave notes for clients or yourself in the WordPress admin. Attach notes to above or below the editor of a post (or page or custom post type) and also has a default “Notes” section available from the admin menu which you can hide or show.

The style of the notes section has been updated with the changes in WordPress 3.8+. Please note that the UI will not look great on WordPress version lower then 3.8 and there are no plans to fix this.

Features :

  • Uses WordPress’s built in custom post types
  • Functions with default WYSIWYG editor
  • Uses WordPress’s meta fields if set to display on post edit screens
  • Shows “Notes” on one page in tab format (can be excluded)
  • Will not show in front end or search
  • Requires default post privileges

Notes :

  • It is currently only possible to set one note per post and one location (above or below editor)
  • Works with password protection in default section

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