Simple Diary for WordPress

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About Simple Diary for WordPress

A very simple diary listing user created reminders. Ready to use in WordPress default themes.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Jojaba


Simple Diary is meant to be simple enough to be used out of the box. Simple, but also powerfull and customizable. All skill user should find something to do with it.

Here’s the list of the settings (see screenshots for further infos):

  • Custom post type “reminder” available. The reminder infos : Title, start date (required), end date (optional), start time(optional), end time (optional), location (required), url (optionnal), article (optional). The date and time infos are set using pickadate.js jQuery plugin. All the system (compose reminder page and datepicker) is responsive.
  • The admin reminders edit page is sorted by start date and contain title, start date, end date, location and creation/modification date. All columns are sortable except location column.
  • Option page will let you modify some settings : Title of the diary page, slug modification, reminder count listed in upcoming reminders, reminder count in diary, selection of the columns in edit page.
  • Possibility to add a reminder from a post (beginning with 1.3 plugin version)
  • All default WordPress themes (twentyten, twentyeleven, twentytwelve, twentythirteen, twentyfourteen) can easily be updated to take in account the reminders. You just have to get archive-reminder.php, content-reminder.php or loop-reminder.php, single-reminder.php from /simple-diary/themes-support/your_theme/ and put it into your hteme folder (/wp-content/themes/your-theme/). You can take these files also as examples to customize Diary and reminders for your theme.
  • A “Upcoming reminders” widget is available in the admin widget section.

Simple Diary has been developed by keeping in mind following rules:

  • Easy to install, use and customize
  • Working on every theme (including responsive themes)
  • Adding microdata used to markup HTML code for semantic (so that most popular search providers can handle the infos).
  • Make it translatable (availabe languages : english and french).