Simple Emzon Links

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About Simple Emzon Links

Simple Emzon Links is a simple WordPress plugin that allow you to create Amazon affiliate links within your WordPress post editor with price and image …






updated: 3 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: WDDPortfolio


Are you ready to generate revenue with minimal efforts from Amazon Affiliate Links?

Simple Emzon Links is a simple WordPress plugin that uses Amazon Product Advertising API and allow you to display desired product from Amazon within your WordPress Post Editor. The generated links are tagged with your Amazon Associate ID.

The plugin is built with the following philosophy:

  • Use of sensible and simple HTML5 markup
  • Provide realtime data from Amazon Server – it is up to you to show the plugin to your theme and taste
  • Cache possible – Default Cache time is 2 hours for rapid load
  • Change colors and borders.
  • Gutenberg Block Support (Amazon Product available in Embed).
  • Shortcode Support ( [salfwp product_id=”B07P9F2ZNP”] ).
  • Easy Setup flow to configure and go live in minutes.


As of 2019/10/31, Amazon ended PA-API v4 and your site may no longer be able to display Amazon products with old API keys. In that case, regenerate keys on the Amazon Associates member’s area and you are good to go!


A plugin by WDDPortfolio and Muhammad Furqan Abid.