Simple Linked Variations for WooCommerce

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About Simple Linked Variations for WooCommerce

An add-on plugin for WooCommerce which allows variations to be linked together, and will then toggle drop downs on the front end based on the links ma …






updated: 5 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Denis Zoljom


If you want to hide some variation drop downs from the front end in your shop this is the plugin for you.

Create a variable product, set your variations and link them logically and see how the variation select appears or disappears on the front end.
This plugin works with WooCommerce, so be sure to have WooCoommerce installed before you install this plugin.
After that create variable product with variations, save it and then set your links in the ‘Linked attributes’ tab in the ‘Product Data’ meta box.

** Created using the best coding practices and latest standards **