Simple Presenter

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About Simple Presenter

A simple way to create presentations that can be viewed in a web browser, meant for usage in a company by displaying it on Raspberry Pi's.






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Sylvia van Os


Simple Presenter was born out of a request within one of the companies I was assigned to to replace the current digital signage solution. Due to the fact that WordPress was used by everyone who had to manage it, and the lack of finding any solution that really worked for us without a huge investment of time, it was decided to code up our own WordPress plugin. This is that plugin.

Simple Presenter allows you to:
– Define an infinite number of screens
– Set a logo image, background color and text color for each screen
– Show events from an infinite number of calendars (only Tribe via the JSON API is currently supported, max 5 events per calendar are shown)
– An infinite number of extra slides of practically any content (image, html, shortcodes, embeds, etc.)
– Choose exactly what to display on which screen
– Control who can manage Simple Presenter using the manage_simplepresenter capability (may require third-party plugins)

Simple Presenter is meant to be simple above powerful and is written for the purposes of a single company. However, it was decided the plugin is useful and generic enough to publish it for broader use.