Simple Promo Code

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About Simple Promo Code

A very simple plugin that allows an editor to track accesses to a document by promo code.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Peter Wooster


This plugin allows editors to request a promo code and optional email address from users to get access to a document and track its usage.

Features for Editors

  • a short code [promo] is provided that will display a form that requests a
    promo code and optionally an email address from your users and then takes them to a url.
  • a summary of the accesses using this code is displayed to editors by the short code
  • editors can clear the logging from the short code
  • there is no back end admin page

Short Code Arguments are:

  • code= a string that must be entered access the document, required
  • document= a url to the document that you want to track, required
  • name= the name to display for the document, required
  • email= ‘yes’ to request the user’s email
  • id= the id on the form tag, useful for CSS, default is ‘promo’
  • promolabel= the label for the promo code input field, default is ‘Please enter promo code for name’
  • emaillabel= the label for the email input field, default is ‘Please enter your email address’
  • liststyle= the style or class for the ul, default is ‘style=”list-style:none”‘