Simple SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

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About Simple SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Change the page title and menu label output for any page or post. Useful for SEO and usability reasons and almost a necessarity on a CMS-like website.






updated: 11 years ago
since: 14 years ago


Optimize your web site or blog by changing the title and menu output for any page or post.
Thich is very important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) reasons, but it can also increase
the usability of your website, making it more friendly and understandable for your visitors.
Take a look at the screenshots to
see what it looks like and how it works.


  • Change the page title of your posts and pages. This is the title that you see in the title bar of your web browser. It is also the title that shows up in search engines like Google.
  • Change the menu title label of your posts and pages. This is the title that is shown in your menus/navigation.
  • Supports custom post types.
  • Make your post or page more attractive in Google’s search results (Google SERP).
  • Add additional keywords synonyms to your pages or posts.
  • Increase usability
  • Nicely integrated into WordPress. Looks like it was built into the core.
  • No settings, just activate the plugin and you’re ready to go.
  • Uses WordPress own custom fields, so no extra database tables.
  • Works with most themes and plugins. (Well.. at least that’s what I hope for… 😉

Why yet another SEO-plugin for WordPress?

I felt that the existing plugins for WordPress Search Engine Optimization where a bit to complex
and difficult to use, especially for new users of WordPress.
Simple SEO aim to be a simple and unobtrusive alternative.

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