Simply Excerpts

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About Simply Excerpts

A simple plugin for exceprts that allows you to change the word count and to replace the elipsis (...) with text. Not compatible with all themes.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 8 years ago
author: A. R. Jones


Version 1.7

Donations for extended support are appreciated but are never required!

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This plugin is a very simple plugin the allows you to change the number of words that are displayed in excerpts and to replace the elipsis with text.

The settings for this plugin can be found on the Settings Menu in the Admin Panel. Check the box for the option you wish to manage and enter the value. There are two options: “Maximum number of words to display in an excerpt” and “Read More Text”. You should not use this plugin with other plugins that modify excerpts.

Arbitrary section

Need more? Customization is available. Contact [email protected] for more information.