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About Single-user-chat

This plugin uses shortcode to provide one to one chat with logged in user. Backend setting to control multi-user chat. Use this shortcode [single_cha …






updated: 5 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Aakash Bhagat


This plugin uses shortcode to provide one to one chat with logged in user.
Backend setting to control multi-user chat.
Use this shortcode [single_chat user_id=2] where 2 is the user id of second user first will be the loggedin user.
use this shortcode [multi_chat] for using multi user chat option on single page or post (Please Enable multi_chat option from chat setting).
Point to be noted:
-If multi user on every screen is enabled then don’t use [multi_chat] shortcode. just check both the checkboxes on admin page.
-If multi user option is not enable then you can’t use multi-user on every screen.
-User must be logged in to chat with other users
-you can use [single_chat user_id=2] dynamically change user_id by using do_shortcode in templates
-Perfect active and offline status green represent active and red represent offline