Skloogs Trader

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About Skloogs Trader

This wordpress plugin allows the display of shares from the Bovespa (Brazilian Stock Exchange) and other Stock Exchanges.






updated: 15 years ago
since: 16 years ago
author: Philippe Hilger


This wordpress plugin allows the display of shares from the Bovespa (Brazilian Stock Exchange) and
other Stock Exchanges, within your posts, comments, or any part of your blog,
by using a dedicated markup: [sktrade].

Starting with version 0.4, the plugin can show intraday dynamic quotes from the Bovespa and/or static
quotes from the Bovespa or from other markets, over various periods of time.

The frame’s characteristics can be customized by editing a CSS stylesheet, which will be integrated
into the admin panel in a future version.

The applet options can be customized using new options, as explained in the usage section.

The static charts also provide some options.

See SYNTAX section for more information.

Syntax and currently supported options

The plugin syntax is quite basic. Use [sktrade <sharelist>] at the right place
you want to see the charts. The sharelist is a comma separated list of shares,
and possible options. The options are
separated from the share name by an = character and from one another by the |
character. Additionally, an option can take an argument after the : character.

The options are as follows:

  • s -> small size (100×200) instead of standard one (180×400) for the applet
  • w -> applet width (e.g.: w:300)
  • h -> applet height (e.g.: w:150)
  • bg -> applet background color, as 3 decimal (0-255) colon (:) separated numbers. (e.g.: bg:230:230:230)
  • tx -> applet text color, same syntax as bg
  • fi -> applet chart fill color, same syntax as bg
  • bd -> applet border color, same syntax as bg

Static charts only options:

  • p -> period: i,m,2m,3m,6m,y,2y,3y,5y (intraday, 1-2-3-6 months, 1-2-3-5 years)
  • v -> show volume on static chart (default)
  • nv -> no volume on static chart
  • q -> force static chart (default is intraday applet)
  • mk -> stock exchange (market): BOV (Bovespa), EURO (Euronext), etc… Check the markets
    on the ADVFN Mundial Summary

So if I want a ITAU4 share with special width and bg colors, this would be the syntax:
[sktrade itau4=w:200|bg:20:20:20]

Now I’d like to get ITAU4 for the last month and UBBR11 for the last year, with some parameters:
[sktrade itau4=q|p:m|w:300|txt:200:0:0|bg:255:255:255,ubbr11=s|q|p:y]

Be careful not to mistakenly switch between options (|) and shares (,) separators!!
For more clarity, it’s authorized to put a space instead of or in addition to the comma.
e.g.: [sktrade itau4=s, ubbr11, petr4]

Regarding foreign exchanges, you won’t be able to have the dynamic graph so far, so please do use the
q option; in the case you want an intraday graph, also use the p=i option.
E.g.: [sktrade satyamcomp=mk:NSE|q|p=i] (A big thanks to Salman Siddiqui for the note!)

If you get a frame with just the plugin’s copyright, you probably did it wrong…

As a final note, please remember that only the tag is written to the DB, the presentation is made
at the time the page is displayed. So you’ll always be able to re-edit your page/post to change
the options.


To get support on the installation and/or use of this plugin, please comment on the
plugin page. Do not send
an email, because your problem can be someone else’s problem too, and I cannot afford
answering each one personally, except in the comments section of the plugin page. Thanks!

About the author

Philippe Hilger is French, speaking fluently portuguese and english, and has been living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since 2002, and use to trade
on the Bovespa (São Paulo Stock Exchange). He’s a Systems, Networks and Security Engineer, developping
programs and utilities during his free time and trying to make some money with it… After running his
own e-commerce company, which unfortunately wasn’t the expected success, he’s also looking for a job,
in Brazil, in Canada, or in the United States. Feel free to contact him: philippe(DOT)hilger(AROBA)gmail(DOT)com

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not consider making a small donation…?