Skysa Polls App

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About Skysa Polls App

Add multiple polls to your website. Automatically popup new polls in an ajax window if a user has not yet seen that poll.






updated: 10 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Skysa


The Skysa Polls App allows your members to vote on hot topics which you create. Easily add and delete polls. Set the way the dynamic polls ajax window displays; set the polls window position, poll window size and poll window title.

Key features of the Skysa Polls App include:

  • Have multiple polls running at the same time, the app pages to allow users to see previous polls
  • Voting poll history, go back and view previous poll results
  • Poll closing after a customizable expiration date
  • Auto pop up for new polls for users who have not yet seen that poll
  • Poll display and poll voting are both a compeletly smooth Ajax expirence
  • Persistant location, accessible from a Skysa App Bar at the bottom of your site
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