Sloth Logo Customizer

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About Sloth Logo Customizer

Sloth Logo customizer changes the wordpress logo on the login page and enable you to change the support string and url on the blog info widget.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: ammar.shahraki


Sloth Logo customizer changes the wordpress logo on the login page and enable you to change the support string and url on the blog info widget.

Major features of Blog Post filter include:

  • Support Multisite: It supports single or multisite installation of wordpress. In multisite installation site admin could allow blogs to change logo and signature or not.
  • Simplicity: In contrast with similar plugin this plugin is very simple and easy to use.
  • Efficiency: The plugin has a minimum processing overhead on the site.
  • Multilingual: Supports Persian and English admin page translation.