Smartarget Social Sales

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About Smartarget Social Sales

Make users think that there are currently ongoing sales.






updated: 10 months ago
since: 3 years ago
author: Smartarget


Make users think that there are currently ongoing sales. Create a pool of names and a pool of items you want to promote and our Social Sales app will show it to users so they think there are currently sales being done on your website. This app can help your users to gain more trust and for you to have more sales!
Smartarget Social Sales – Follow Us plugin works also with WooCommerce, Elementor and Oxygen Builder.

Smartarget Social Sales Pro Features:

Pro version overcomes your limitations with lite version of Smartarget Social Sales.

Smartarget Social Sales PRO Plugin Features

  • Apps visibility on all pages
  • No Smartarget label

BUY Smartarget Social Sales Pro Features : Buy Now