Hide SEO Bloat

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About Hide SEO Bloat

Free addon for the Yoast SEO plugin to hide the bloat it adds to the WordPress backend. See changelog for what's new in this release.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 9 years ago
author: SO WP


Hides (sidebar) ads and premium version buttons of Yoast SEO from their settings pages and your website’s dashboard (and frontend).

The first version of the Hide SEO Bloat plugin was released in April 2015 and ever since team Yoast and I have been playing a game of cat and mouse.

Since version 20.0 of Yoast SEO however, the Settings page has received a complete overhaul, which made the Hide SEO Bloat plugin almost obsolete!

Things have become much, much more trickier to remove/hide now and some things simply can no longer be hidden (believe me, I have tried).

Why are there still people using Yoast SEO one might ask? There are so many great alternatives that come without screaming ads and hiding features behind a paywall!

And the only reason that I have to keep Yoast SEO installed (on a sandbox that is) is because of the mere 10K installs where Hide SEO Bloat is running. Compare that with my popular Classic Editor + plugin, which has more than 30,000 active installs!

For everyone to become much more productive and happier, my proposal therefore is to switch to any of the other SEO plugins, such as SEOPress, The SEO Framework, Rankmath, or any other one out there! Did you know that most SEO plugins come with easy one-click migration tools?

I support this plugin exclusively through Github. Therefore, if you have any questions, need help and/or want to make a feature request, please open an issue over at Github. You can also browse through open and closed issues to find what you are looking for and perhaps even help others.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

If you like the Hide SEO Bloat plugin, please consider leaving a review. You can also help a great deal by translating the plugin into your own language.
Alternatively you are welcome to make a donation. Thanks!

Hide SEO Bloat by SO WP.