We'll create fresh WordPress site with Social Media Engine installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
Social follow links shortcode. Built on FontAwesome icons. 30 social networks supported: 500px, behance, bitbucket, delicious, deviantart, digg, dribbble, etsy, facebook, flickr, foursquare, github, google-plus, instagram, lastfm, linkedin, medium, mixcloud, odnoklassniki, quora, reddit, skype, slideshare, soundcloud, spotify, tumblr, twitter, vimeo, vk, wordpress, youtube
This shortcode can be used in posts, pages and widgets areas:
[sme_social_links facebook=”follow_link” float=”right” skin=”dark” shape=”circle” size=”medium”]
For placement in the php code, use function:
do_shortcode(‘[sme_social_links facebook=”follow_link”]’)