Sort SearchResult By Title

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About Sort SearchResult By Title

Wordpress sort search results by title offers powerful option for developers to sort search results alphabetically in ascending or descending order.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 16 years ago
author: Codex-m


One of the common problems in commercial sites powered by WordPress is the desire to sort search results by post title. For example, if you are selling songs online
and using WordPress, you may need to sort songs from the best to the lowest ratings in the search results. The objective is that any visitor will end up listening the
best songs first and will increase the chances of buying the music.

Using PHP, average song ratings of the song post can be incorporated in the title for more user-friendly approach (potential music buyers) will know the song ratings.
Using “WordPress Sort Searchresult by Title”, when someone do a search using wordpress search box, all those songs can be alphabetically listen in descending order (highest
to lowest).

Other applications include a dating site using wordpress. Say someone would need to search names, it is appropriate to give results alphabetically listed so that
the search names can be located faster.

Currently the existing WordPress search result algorithm will only sort post by date. This is only useful for blogging, complex applications of WordPress sometimes need search results
to be sorted by post title. There are numerous applications that this plugin can be used including a online bookstore powered by WordPress. And this can be easily done bysorting of WordPress
Search Result by Title plugin (to sort the book titles or by book review ratings).

For inquiries, support and technical clarifications about this plugin, please visit the PHP developer website.