We'll create fresh WordPress site with SpectrOM DB Cleanup installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The SpectrOM DB Cleanup tool will remove selected old and unused data in your database tables and then rebuild the MySQL indexes for all of your tables. This helps to ensure that your index files do not get corrupted and that your data can be accessed efficiently.
Support Details: We are happy to provide support and help troubleshoot issues. Users should know however, that we check the WordPress.org support forums once a week on Fridays from 10am to 12pm PST (UTC -8). Daily support and issue reports are handled via our GitHub repository here: https://github.com/spectrom/spectrom-db-cleanup/issues. Please read our support notes here before creating new issues.
The SpectrOM DB Cleanup tool was specifically designed for data-driven sites such as eCommerce, Learning Management Systems and BuddyPress.
The SpectrOM DB Cleanup Features:
This DB Cleanup helps to ensure that your database index files do not get corrupted and that your data can be accessed efficiently.
Want to help make this tool even better? Participate in GitHub at https://github.com/spectrom/spectrom-db-cleanup. Or Contact SpectrOM for more information on how you can participate.