Split Test For Elementor

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About Split Test For Elementor

Adds split testing functionality to elementor






updated: 6 months ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Rocket Elements


You’ve ever dreamt of split testing your Elementor Website?
Do you ever wanted to split test page elements or whole pages against each other?
Do you also feel that your website can perform even better?
Do you want to boost the conversions on our page and to gain more revenue?
Don’t know which version of your headline is the best one?

How cool it would be when you can split test directly in your Elementor workflow … without using any external services?
Why is their nobody solving this problem?

If you asked yourself the same and searching for the best Elementor integrated solution for doing split tests directly in your workflow then Rocket Elements “Split test for Elementor” is the #1 solution.

With the powerful Elementor page editor and this plugin you can now split test hole sections and other widgets directly in your elementor editor. As well as whole pages that are not necessary made with elementor.

  • No external Services needed
  • No complicate inclusion of JavaScript snippets and other stuff necessary (that boost page load times as well)
  • Your data your server (GDPR compliance without having contracts with other service providers)

Just plain and easy split testing right in your editor.

So grab your copy and let your page perform like a rocket.

Click here for a complete walk through take a look a this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KUgDw45EXU