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About sr-scroll-to-top-wp

Easily create and manage a page scroll to top






updated: 9 years ago
since: 9 years ago
author: sohel razzaque


This plugin automatically add right corner in the footer area of your site that only appears when you scroll the page down, and when clicked gently roll the site to the top. All this without any modification to your plugin makes the scrolling of a page easier. When the user click on this button it smoothly scrolls to the top of Web plugin offers Customizable options via the admin panel.

Plugin Features

  • Compatible with all WordPress themes
  • Customizable options via the admin panel
  • It is user friendly and very easy to install
  • Zero coding skills required to set up this plugin
  • You can change Distance from top showing
  • You can add your scroll Speed
  • You can add your animation Speed/Smooth scrolling animation
  • You can add your animation effected
  • It is user friendly and very easy to install
  • Works on almost all browsers including IE6
  • No need to add any markup to your theme