Stalkfish – Error Monitoring and Activity Log Monitoring

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About Stalkfish – Error Monitoring and Activity Log Monitoring

Stalkfish actively tracks error, crashes, and activity log on your WordPress site and sends them to your Stalkfish dashboard.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 2 years ago


Stalkfish is a no setup plugin that will monitor and log all the site activity, error and crashes without bloating your database. All the errors and activity logs are stored in your Stalfish account, and can be accessed via the Stalkfish dashboard without compromising your site privacy.

Unlike alternative plugins, Stalkfish does not require any configuration, and is compatible with most recent WordPress versions. We provide a dedicated monitoring system for your site, and a dashboard to view and manage activity for all your WordPress sites, in once place.

Why use an activity logging and monitoring plugin?

Don’t you hate it when you have no clue when something on your site changed, and you have no idea why? Stalkfish helps you keep track of all your site activity, and you can see what’s going on in a single place. This helps you locate when a particular action was performed on your site.

Benefits of Stalkfish

  • Track any activity: Stalkfish will monitor all the activities on your site, and log it to Stalkfish server with contextual data that will help you locate what has changed.
  • Track errors: Stalkfish would automatically track all errors on your site and alert you as needed.
  • Share event data: Easily creating public links that can be shared with others. You may set a range of expiry dates for the link, and the link will be automatically deleted after the expiry date.
  • Get alerts for important events: Create contextual alerts and get notified when something specific happens on your site.
  • Unlimited sites: Stalkfish gives you unlimited sites to monitor in a decent dedicated dashboard.

Get Started with Stalkfish

Stalkfish is a SaaS product, and we offer a free plan for personal use. You can record upto 500 events per month for free, ideal if you’re trying the plugin or using it on small sites and still feel secure.

What activities are tracked?

  • Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types – Log all the activities/events associated including metadata and custom fields
  • Taxonomies – Log any and all changes from creation to attachment in posts and CPTs.
  • Comments – Log all the comment updates from status changes to spamming.
  • Users – Log all user logins to any profile changes.
  • Media & Library – Log all the media uploads to attachment in posts and CPTs.
  • Settings – Log all setting updates from general to privacy.
  • Customizer – Log any and all WordPress Customizer changes including theme modifications.
  • Plugins and Themes – Log all theme and plugin installations to uninstalls.
  • Widgets – Log any and all sidebar changes to widget updates.
  • Classic Editor and Block (Gutenberg) Editor – Log all the editor updates from post creation to deletion.
  • WordPress Core Updates – Log WordPress core updates from manual to auto.
  • Multisite (Coming Soon) – Log network wide site updates from adding them to removal.

That’s not it! We’re working around the clock to improve your experience and add more useful activity logging.


Stalkfish is a SaaS (software as a service) connector plugin that uses a custom API to log all the site activity. We only store event data on Stalkfish server which do not include any sensitive data, and we do not share your data with anyone. We do record user’s IP who performs an activity to give you a better insight of action’s origin. Respecting your privacy is our top-most priority.