Step by Step

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About Step by Step

Create step-by-step instructions with images and display them on your post or pages in minutes.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Kyle M. Brown


Display your data step-by-step style with images and display them on your post or pages in minutes with ease. Keep the standard WYSIWYG content separate from your step-by-step instructions for easy editing.

Step by Step Features

  • Create step-by-step instructions with ease.
  • Each step is created in its own separate module.
  • Separate interface for creating steps.
  • Use the standard WYSIWYG editor for background type of information.
  • Specify a specific image per step.
  • Specify a specific text per step.
  • Add a custom description for you step-by-step instructions.
  • Place “steps” on pages or post using shortcodes.
  • Can be used to display anything requiring step-by-step instructions.
  • E.g. Manuals, procedures, guidelines, How-to’s, math instructions, recipes, and more.

###Pro – Features###

  • Enlarge images with modal windows.
  • Use the native WordPress image feature to upload and store images.
  • Annotate and edit images inside of the browser.
  • Change the front end layout of the steps to vertical similar to
  • Add rich meta (links, bold, etc) to the body area.
  • Publish directly to stand alone guide pages without using shortcodes.
  • Responsive layout.
  • Custom categories and slugs in the url.

Get the Pro version.