We'll create fresh WordPress site with Store Manager installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
With this plugin it is possible to manage multiple stores (or any kind of location).
There is support for:
The plugin comes with a very basic and ugly template file and a form that has no styling. However, everything is wrapped in spans or divs and logical classnames are assigned to everything so that you style the frontend yourself.
You should also make file in your theme folder called single-store.php. The included template file will show how to get all the information from the store. This file is located:
This is the shortcode for the form and resultpage:
If no attributes are given, the form will consist of a zipcode fields and a submit button.
This will add a radius field (radius is in KM):
[store-manager-form radius]
Here is an example of how to manipulate the radius field:
[store-manager-form radius radius-value=15 radius-placeholder=”input placeholder text here” radius-label=”label text here”]
This example shows all other form fields, each of them can be manipulated just like radius:
[store-manager-form address-r1 address-r2 zipcode place country]
This example shows how to change the submit button text:
[store-manager-form submit=”Send”]