We'll create fresh WordPress site with Superfast Mailgun for the Newsletter plugin installed. You have 20 minutes to test the plugin after that site we'll be deleted.
The Superfast Mailgun add-on for the Newsletter plugin allows you to take full advantage of the Mailgun “Batch Send” API. This makes it possible to send a newsletter to up to 1,000 addresses in a single API call.
For 10,000 subscribers, that’s 10 API calls instead of 10,000 calls. Quite a difference. It will take a lot less time to send out your newsletter.
Sends newsletters to up to 1,200 subscribers per hour.
Polls Mailgun for “bounces” and updates your mailing list accordingly.
Support by email or through the forum on wordpress.org
Filters ‘newsletter_message_html’, ‘newsletter_message_text’, ‘newsletter_message_subject’ and ‘newsletter_message’ are called only once per email, and receive a null $user parameter. This is because Mailgun takes care of replacing user-specific tags in the email.
For mailing lists with more than 1,000 subscribers, get the Pro version!
Sends up to 120,000 emails / hour
Integrated Open/Click statistics (Requires the Newsletter Statistics add-on)
Selectable polling frequency
Transactional emails (e.g. Welcome email, subscription confirmation) can use a different route, e.g. using a different domain
Priority email support
You can easily upgrade from within your WordPress dashboard.