Support Tickets v2

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About Support Tickets v2

With this plugin, you can manage a simple support ticket system on your WordPress site.






updated: 12 years ago
since: 12 years ago
author: Keiran McDonald


Support Tickets is a WordPress plugin which allows you to create and manage a simple support ticket system or helpdesk system on your WordPress site. If you are offering a support service and are looking for a simple tool to help you with that, Support Tickets is an excellent choice.

This code has been forked with the permission of the original author Takayuki Miyoshi @takayukister
This fork contains bug fixes.
The original code can be found at

The plugin is based on Contact Form 7 plugin.

Home page

Multilingual Support

You will have the ability to make a “multilingual support ticket system” with this plugin. This plugin allows you to write messages in your language and ask a professional translator to translate your message to another user’s language. This feature utilize the WPML plugin, so you need to install the plugin beforehand.
