Surbma | Divi Extras

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About Surbma | Divi Extras

Useful modifications for the Divi Theme.






updated: 1 year ago
since: 10 years ago
author: Surbma


This plugin fixes and adds some useful modifications to the Divi Theme by Elegant Themes. This is a very lightweight plugin with minified css to reduce the loading time as low as possible.

Surbma – Divi Extras plugin features:

Text Logo

This is far the best feature of this plugin. Use the deafult Site Title, when no logo is set. The text logo will use H1 tag.

Featured menu

Featured menu style, as seen here in the menu: Monarch plugin demo

If you want to have a menu item with a colored background, that really shines in your menu bar, just add the featured-menu class to your menu item. The best part of it is, that the background color will be the same, what you have set as the Accent Color in the Customizer. Wow!

Once you install and activate the plugin, go to Appearance > Menu and expand the “Screen Options” drop down menu in the upper right corner. Select “CSS Classes” and finally, add featured-menu in the class field and you’re good to go!

Vertical center

A simple class for vertically center the text in a module. If you want to center your modules vertically in a column, you can use the vertical-center class for the column class. So you have to add it in the row settings. The class is using flex, so it will only work with modern browsers.

Logo fix

Logo width fix for mobile view. If you don’t use the search function, the logo will be bigger, as it has more space in the header.

Footer fix

Removes ugly list icons in the footer. Yes, those bullet points.

Comment fix

Hide comment allowed tags block. It is automatically displayed by default, but this function will hide it, as this block is unnecessary for most users.

This plugin is a Divi extension

You have to buy the Divi Theme to use this plugin:

My plugins for Divi theme:

My childthemes for Divi theme:

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