Surplus Essentials

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About Surplus Essentials

Surplus Essentials provides necessary features to extend WordPress functionality and for better blogging experience. It also allows you to add and man …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 4 years ago
author: surplusthemes


Surplus Essentials is a helpful as well as handy plugin that generates 17 very necessary custom widgets. It also allows you to add and manage Custom Post Type on your website. This plugin is fully compatible for surplusTheme’s themes but also works great with other themes.

Custom Post Type

Surplus Essentials Plugin lets you to add Custom Post Type (CPT) of your own. You can add CPT Label, Name, Slug, Icon and Taxonomy Slug as well. This is powered through a repeater that easily allows you to add or even delete Custom Post Types. While creating any new CPT of your own, We recommend you to add a unique prefix in the “Post Type Name” field to avoid conflict with other CPTS. Like we suggest you to add st_* as a prefix for surplus themes products.

To modify settings
1. Install and then Activate Surplus Essential plugin.
2. Go to Appearance -> Surplus Essentials.
3. Add Custom Post Type and Click on Save Changes button to view changes.

Category Images

Surplus Essential plugin lets you to add Category Images for Custom Category as well as default post category. This can be used via “SE: Custom Categories” widget.

Widgets included in Surplus Essentials

  • SE: Advertisement Widget– This widget lets you add advertisements on your website.
  • SE: Client Logo Widget– This widget lets you showcase your client information.
  • SE: Contact Widget– This widget lets you add your contact information.
  • SE: Call To Action– This widget lets you add call to action buttons.
  • SE: Custom Categories– You can add images to the categories and also display post counts of the selected category using this widget.
  • SE: Facebook Page– This widget allows you to show your Facebook page on your WordPress website.
  • SE: FAQs– This widget allows you to show frequently asked questions on your WordPress website.
  • SE: Featured Page Widget– This widget allows you to show featured page on your WordPress website.
  • SE: Icon Text– This widget allows you to add combination of icons and text content.
  • SE: Image Text– You can add your favorite image with caption and link with this widget.
  • SE: Popular Post- This widget helps you show popular posts of your website.
  • SE: Recent Post– This widget helps you display recent posts of your website.
  • SE: Social Media– This widget allows you to add social media links on your website.
  • SE: Stat Counter– This widget allows you to add counter statistics on your website.
  • SE: Team Member– This widget allows you to showcase your team member information on your website.
  • SE: Testimonial– This widget allows you to showcase testimonials on your website.
  • SE: Twitter Feed– You can now show your twitter news feed right on your website using this widget.