Business Places

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About Business Places

A WordPress plugin for business place and open hour.






updated: 3 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: Tarosky INC


This plugin add places and open hours to your WordPress site.
Formerly known as “Taro Open Hour“.

  • Google Map supprted.
  • JSON-LD supported.

Case Study

Case 1

If your site is for your book store, add site location as your business place.

These location and open hour are available via widget.

Case 2

If your site is bouldering shop database, choose post type to be treated as location.

Each single page have place and open hour information.

How to display


You can use widget for open our and business location.


You can use shortcode [open-hour] for time table. If you are a theme developer,
just use tsoh_the_timetable() function.

For business places, you can use [business-place post_id='10'].
The attribute post_id can be omitted and it’s default value is current post.


  • Banner images is a deliverative of the work of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.


Here is a list of customizations.

Change Style

If you have tsoh-style.css in your theme folder, it will be used.
Child theme supported.

We also have filter hook tsoh_stylesheet. Below is the example to change css url.

 get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/table.css',
        'version' => wp_get_theme()->get('Version'),
    return $style;

If you returns false on filter hook, no style will be loaded.

Change table markup

Table’s template is located at taro-open-hour/templates/time-table.php.
Copy it to your-theme/template-part/tsoh/time-table.php and change markups.

Of course, you can change template path with filter hook.

// e.g. If post type is event, change template from default.
add_filter( 'tsoh_timetable_template_path', function( $path, $post ) {
    if ( 'event' == $post->post_type ) {
        $path = get_template_directory() . '/templates/yours/event.php';
    return $path;
}, 10, 2 );