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About Testimonial

Testimonial Slider carousel is an easy plugin to display testimonials of clients,business partners or affiliates along with title, URL on your website …






updated: 4 years ago
since: 7 years ago
author: themesCode


Testimonial Slider carousel is an easy plugin to display testimonials of clients,business partners or affiliates along with title, URL on your website.
Responsive design and easy to embed in any post or page using shortcode [tc-testimonial] .
also can be add in themes PHP template using

Plugin Features:

  • Easy installable.
  • Fully Responsive.
  • Supported all Modern browsers
  • Powered By OWL carousel 2 .
  • Custom post type .
  • Work with all WordPress theme.
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize.
  • Background , Text , Navigation , Dots , Middle border and Quote Icon color are change able through the setting panel .
  • You can hide or show nav,dots and middle horizontal line.
  • you can define Number number of columns for desktop and Tablet screens.

Watch the video tutorial (free version)

Use following shortcode to display clients, partners or sponsors Testimonials.

Basic Usages


Show Testimonial carousel of any category

[tc-testimonial category="category-slug"]