Teams of Tennis

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About Teams of Tennis

show all games of a tennis team or club from the BTV site inside an iframe, manage game availability of players






updated: 6 years ago
since: 6 years ago
author: Volker Riecken


  • your are playing tennis inside Bavarian?
  • you want to display the games and players of your team from the BTV page?
  • you want to find out which games comes next for your club?
  • you want to see the availability of your team members for all your games?

Then this plugin is the right one.

  • With a simple shortcode you can display your team inside your own homepage.
  • Also with a shortcode you can find out, which games comes next for your club.
  • And organizing your team availability is also possible with simple shortcode. This feature is only available for logged in users.

For further details see FAQ section.