SEO Checker

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About SEO Checker

SEO Checker helps WordPress website pages rank better in search engines.






updated: 4 years ago
since: 5 years ago
author: WPZA


Covering on-page SEO checks: page-by-page

This plugin is designed to better optimise your website’s on-page SEO, page-by-page. Allowing them to rank better in search engines organically.

SEO checks this plugin can perform

  • Checks to see if meta robots are blocking the page
  • Checks for a meta title and description
  • Checks for the correct usage of heading tags
  • Checks for accessible images
  • Checks for responsive design
  • Checks for inline CSS
  • Checks for Google Analytics
  • Checks for a favicon
  • Checks for SSL
  • Checks for HTTPS redirection
  • Checks for WWW redirection
  • Checks for secure links
  • Checks for broken links
  • Checks for redirected links
  • Checks for correct usage of article tags
  • Checks for Schema markup

For information about each of these points, please be sure to read our technical SEO cheat sheet.